How many questions can I add to the accordion page?
You can add as many questions as you want to the accordion page. When you have filled all spaces up when editing the page, just save and you will get more spaces added to the page. You can also change the colours of the bar, and hover colours to match your site. All text is still available for search engines to index and you can easily change the display order of your questions to suit your queries if needed.
Accent colours can be used for the colour bars. These are set within your My Websites > Customise Design > Colours & Backgrounds page. You can additionally add images to the answers to help illustrate the query response.
Introducing the accordion page!
New Accordion page now available.
Click for details
Do I have to use this page for FAQs or can I use it for anything I want?
Is there a best practice for writing answers?
Can I use screenshots from theimagefile in my responses?